//#define CROW_ENABLE_LOGGING #define CROW_ENABLE_DEBUG #include #include #include "settings.h" #undef CROW_LOG_LEVEL #define CROW_LOG_LEVEL 0 #include "routing.h" #include "utility.h" #include "crow.h" #include "json.h" #include "mustache.h" #include "middleware.h" #include "query_string.h" using namespace std; using namespace crow; struct Test { Test(); virtual void test() = 0; }; vector tests; Test::Test() { tests.push_back(this); } bool failed__ = false; void error_print() { cerr << endl; } template void error_print(const A& a, Args...args) { cerr< void fail(Args...args) { error_print(args...);failed__ = true; } #define ASSERT_TRUE(x) if (!(x)) fail(__FILE__ ":", __LINE__, ": Assert fail: expected ", #x, " is true, at " __FILE__ ":",__LINE__) #define ASSERT_EQUAL(a, b) if ((a) != (b)) fail(__FILE__ ":", __LINE__, ": Assert fail: expected ", (a), " actual " , (b), ", " #a " == " #b ", at " __FILE__ ":",__LINE__) #define ASSERT_NOTEQUAL(a, b) if ((a) == (b)) fail(__FILE__ ":", __LINE__, ": Assert fail: not expected ", (a), ", " #a " != " #b ", at " __FILE__ ":",__LINE__) #define ASSERT_THROW(x) \ try \ { \ x; \ fail(__FILE__ ":", __LINE__, ": Assert fail: exception should be thrown"); \ } \ catch(std::exception&) \ { \ } #define TEST(x) struct test##x:public Test{void test();}x##_; \ void test##x::test() #define DISABLE_TEST(x) struct test##x{void test();}x##_; \ void test##x::test() TEST(Rule) { TaggedRule<> r("/http/"); r.name("abc"); // empty handler - fail to validate try { r.validate(); fail("empty handler should fail to validate"); } catch(runtime_error& e) { } int x = 0; // registering handler r([&x]{x = 1;return "";}); r.validate(); response res; // executing handler ASSERT_EQUAL(0, x); r.handle(request(), res, routing_params()); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, x); // registering handler with request argument r([&x](const crow::request&){x = 2;return "";}); r.validate(); // executing handler ASSERT_EQUAL(1, x); r.handle(request(), res, routing_params()); ASSERT_EQUAL(2, x); } TEST(ParameterTagging) { static_assert(black_magic::is_valid(""), "valid url"); static_assert(!black_magic::is_valid(""), "invalid url"); static_assert(!black_magic::is_valid("nt>"), "invalid url"); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); ASSERT_EQUAL(2, black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); ASSERT_EQUAL(3, black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); ASSERT_EQUAL(3, black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); ASSERT_EQUAL(4, black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); ASSERT_EQUAL(4, black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); ASSERT_EQUAL(5, black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); ASSERT_EQUAL(6*6+6+1, black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); ASSERT_EQUAL(6*6+6+2, black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); ASSERT_EQUAL(6*6+6*3+2, black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); // url definition parsed in compile time, build into *one number*, and given to template argument static_assert(std::is_same, black_magic::arguments<6*6+6*3+2>::type>::value, "tag to type container"); } TEST(RoutingTest) { SimpleApp app; int A{}; uint32_t B{}; double C{}; string D{}; string E{}; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/0/") ([&](uint32_t b){ B = b; return "OK"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/1//") ([&](int a, uint32_t b){ A = a; B = b; return "OK"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/4////") ([&](int a, uint32_t b, double c, string d){ A = a; B = b; C = c; D = d; return "OK"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/5/////") ([&](int a, uint32_t b, double c, string d, string e){ A = a; B = b; C = c; D = d; E = e; return "OK"; }); app.validate(); //app.debug_print(); { request req; response res; req.url = "/-1"; app.handle(req, res); ASSERT_EQUAL(404, res.code); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/0/1001999"; app.handle(req, res); ASSERT_EQUAL(200, res.code); ASSERT_EQUAL(1001999, B); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/1/-100/1999"; app.handle(req, res); ASSERT_EQUAL(200, res.code); ASSERT_EQUAL(-100, A); ASSERT_EQUAL(1999, B); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/4/5000/3/-2.71828/hellhere"; req.add_header("TestHeader", "Value"); app.handle(req, res); ASSERT_EQUAL(200, res.code); ASSERT_EQUAL(5000, A); ASSERT_EQUAL(3, B); ASSERT_EQUAL(-2.71828, C); ASSERT_EQUAL("hellhere", D); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/5/-5/999/3.141592/hello_there/a/b/c/d"; req.add_header("TestHeader", "Value"); app.handle(req, res); ASSERT_EQUAL(200, res.code); ASSERT_EQUAL(-5, A); ASSERT_EQUAL(999, B); ASSERT_EQUAL(3.141592, C); ASSERT_EQUAL("hello_there", D); ASSERT_EQUAL("a/b/c/d", E); } } TEST(simple_response_routing_params) { ASSERT_EQUAL(100, response(100).code); ASSERT_EQUAL(200, response("Hello there").code); ASSERT_EQUAL(500, response(500, "Internal Error?").code); routing_params rp; rp.int_params.push_back(1); rp.int_params.push_back(5); rp.uint_params.push_back(2); rp.double_params.push_back(3); rp.string_params.push_back("hello"); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, rp.get(0)); ASSERT_EQUAL(5, rp.get(1)); ASSERT_EQUAL(2, rp.get(0)); ASSERT_EQUAL(3, rp.get(0)); ASSERT_EQUAL("hello", rp.get(0)); } TEST(handler_with_response) { SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/")([](const crow::request&, crow::response&) { }); } TEST(http_method) { SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/") .methods("POST"_method, "GET"_method) ([](const request& req){ if (req.method == "GET"_method) return "2"; else return "1"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/get_only") .methods("GET"_method) ([](const request& req){ return "get"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/post_only") .methods("POST"_method) ([](const request& req){ return "post"; }); // cannot have multiple handlers for the same url //CROW_ROUTE(app, "/") //.methods("GET"_method) //([]{ return "2"; }); { request req; response res; req.url = "/"; app.handle(req, res); ASSERT_EQUAL("2", res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/"; req.method = "POST"_method; app.handle(req, res); ASSERT_EQUAL("1", res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/get_only"; app.handle(req, res); ASSERT_EQUAL("get", res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/get_only"; req.method = "POST"_method; app.handle(req, res); ASSERT_NOTEQUAL("get", res.body); } } TEST(server_handling_error_request) { static char buf[2048]; SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/")([]{return "A";}); Server server(&app, 45451); auto _ = async(launch::async, [&]{server.run();}); std::string sendmsg = "POX"; asio::io_service is; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); try { c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); fail(); } catch(std::exception& e) { //std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } } server.stop(); } TEST(multi_server) { static char buf[2048]; SimpleApp app1, app2; CROW_ROUTE(app1, "/").methods("GET"_method, "POST"_method)([]{return "A";}); CROW_ROUTE(app2, "/").methods("GET"_method, "POST"_method)([]{return "B";}); Server server1(&app1, 45451); Server server2(&app2, 45452); auto _ = async(launch::async, [&]{server1.run();}); auto _2 = async(launch::async, [&]{server2.run();}); std::string sendmsg = "POST /\r\nContent-Length:3\r\nX-HeaderTest: 123\r\n\r\nA=B\r\n"; asio::io_service is; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); size_t recved = c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); ASSERT_EQUAL('A', buf[recved-1]); } { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 45452)); for(auto ch:sendmsg) { char buf[1] = {ch}; c.send(asio::buffer(buf)); } size_t recved = c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); ASSERT_EQUAL('B', buf[recved-1]); } server1.stop(); server2.stop(); } TEST(json_read) { { const char* json_error_tests[] = { "{} 3", "{{}", "{3}", "3.4.5", "+3", "3-2", "00", "03", "1e3e3", "1e+.3", "nll", "f", "t", "{\"x\":3,}", "{\"x\"}", "{\"x\":3 q}", "{\"x\":[3 4]}", "{\"x\":[\"", "{\"x\":[[], 4],\"y\",}", "{\"x\":[3", "{\"x\":[ null, false, true}", }; for(auto s:json_error_tests) { auto x = json::load(s); if (x) { fail("should fail to parse ", s); return; } } } auto x = json::load(R"({"message":"hello, world"})"); if (!x) fail("fail to parse"); ASSERT_EQUAL("hello, world", x["message"]); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, x.size()); ASSERT_EQUAL(false, x.has("mess")); ASSERT_THROW(x["mess"]); // TODO returning false is better than exception //ASSERT_THROW(3 == x["message"]); ASSERT_EQUAL(12, x["message"].size()); std::string s = R"({"int":3, "ints" :[1,2,3,4,5] })"; auto y = json::load(s); ASSERT_EQUAL(3, y["int"]); ASSERT_EQUAL(3.0, y["int"]); ASSERT_NOTEQUAL(3.01, y["int"]); ASSERT_EQUAL(5, y["ints"].size()); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, y["ints"][0]); ASSERT_EQUAL(2, y["ints"][1]); ASSERT_EQUAL(3, y["ints"][2]); ASSERT_EQUAL(4, y["ints"][3]); ASSERT_EQUAL(5, y["ints"][4]); ASSERT_EQUAL(1u, y["ints"][0]); ASSERT_EQUAL(1.f, y["ints"][0]); int q = (int)y["ints"][1]; ASSERT_EQUAL(2, q); q = y["ints"][2].i(); ASSERT_EQUAL(3, q); } TEST(json_read_unescaping) { { auto x = json::load(R"({"data":"\ud55c\n\t\r"})"); if (!x) { fail("fail to parse"); return; } ASSERT_EQUAL(6, x["data"].size()); ASSERT_EQUAL("한\n\t\r", x["data"]); } { // multiple r_string instance auto x = json::load(R"({"data":"\ud55c\n\t\r"})"); auto a = x["data"].s(); auto b = x["data"].s(); ASSERT_EQUAL(6, a.size()); ASSERT_EQUAL(6, b.size()); ASSERT_EQUAL(6, x["data"].size()); } } TEST(json_write) { json::wvalue x; x["message"] = "hello world"; ASSERT_EQUAL(R"({"message":"hello world"})", json::dump(x)); x["message"] = std::string("string value"); ASSERT_EQUAL(R"({"message":"string value"})", json::dump(x)); x["message"]["x"] = 3; ASSERT_EQUAL(R"({"message":{"x":3}})", json::dump(x)); x["message"]["y"] = 5; ASSERT_TRUE(R"({"message":{"x":3,"y":5}})" == json::dump(x) || R"({"message":{"y":5,"x":3}})" == json::dump(x)); x["message"] = 5.5; ASSERT_EQUAL(R"({"message":5.5})", json::dump(x)); json::wvalue y; y["scores"][0] = 1; y["scores"][1] = "king"; y["scores"][2] = 3.5; ASSERT_EQUAL(R"({"scores":[1,"king",3.5]})", json::dump(y)); y["scores"][2][0] = "real"; y["scores"][2][1] = false; y["scores"][2][2] = true; ASSERT_EQUAL(R"({"scores":[1,"king",["real",false,true]]})", json::dump(y)); y["scores"]["a"]["b"]["c"] = nullptr; ASSERT_EQUAL(R"({"scores":{"a":{"b":{"c":null}}}})", json::dump(y)); } TEST(template_basic) { auto t = crow::mustache::compile(R"---(attack of {{name}})---"); crow::mustache::context ctx; ctx["name"] = "killer tomatoes"; auto result = t.render(ctx); ASSERT_EQUAL("attack of killer tomatoes", result); //crow::mustache::load("basic.mustache"); } TEST(template_load) { crow::mustache::set_base("."); ofstream("test.mustache") << R"---(attack of {{name}})---"; auto t = crow::mustache::load("test.mustache"); crow::mustache::context ctx; ctx["name"] = "killer tomatoes"; auto result = t.render(ctx); ASSERT_EQUAL("attack of killer tomatoes", result); unlink("test.mustache"); } int testmain() { bool failed = false; for(auto t:tests) { failed__ = false; try { //cerr << typeid(*t).name() << endl; t->test(); } catch(std::exception& e) { fail(e.what()); } if (failed__) { cerr << "F"; cerr << '\t' << typeid(*t).name() << endl; failed = true; } else cerr << "."; } cerr<::type>::value, "last_element_type"); static_assert(std::is_same::rebind::type>::value, "pop_back"); static_assert(std::is_same::rebind::rebind::type>::value, "pop_back"); } struct NullMiddleware { struct context {}; template void before_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx, AllContext& all_ctx) {} template void after_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx, AllContext& all_ctx) {} }; struct NullSimpleMiddleware { struct context {}; void before_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx) {} void after_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx) {} }; TEST(middleware_simple) { App app; decltype(app)::server_t server(&app, 45451); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/")([&](const crow::request& req) { app.get_context(req); app.get_context(req); return ""; }); } struct IntSettingMiddleware { struct context { int val; }; template void before_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx, AllContext& all_ctx) { ctx.val = 1; } template void after_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx, AllContext& all_ctx) { ctx.val = 2; } }; std::vector test_middleware_context_vector; struct FirstMW { struct context { std::vector v; }; void before_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx) { ctx.v.push_back("1 before"); } void after_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx) { ctx.v.push_back("1 after"); test_middleware_context_vector = ctx.v; } }; struct SecondMW { struct context {}; template void before_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx, AllContext& all_ctx) { all_ctx.template get().v.push_back("2 before"); if (req.url == "/break") res.end(); } template void after_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx, AllContext& all_ctx) { all_ctx.template get().v.push_back("2 after"); } }; struct ThirdMW { struct context {}; template void before_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx, AllContext& all_ctx) { all_ctx.template get().v.push_back("3 before"); } template void after_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx, AllContext& all_ctx) { all_ctx.template get().v.push_back("3 after"); } }; TEST(middleware_context) { static char buf[2048]; // SecondMW depends on FirstMW (it uses all_ctx.get) // so it leads to compile error if we remove FirstMW from definition // App app; // or change the order of FirstMW and SecondMW // App app; App app; int x{}; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/")([&](const request& req){ { auto& ctx = app.get_context(req); x = ctx.val; } { auto& ctx = app.get_context(req); ctx.v.push_back("handle"); } return ""; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/break")([&](const request& req){ { auto& ctx = app.get_context(req); ctx.v.push_back("handle"); } return ""; }); decltype(app)::server_t server(&app, 45451); auto _ = async(launch::async, [&]{server.run();}); std::string sendmsg = "GET /\r\n\r\n"; asio::io_service is; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); } { auto& out = test_middleware_context_vector; ASSERT_EQUAL(1, x); ASSERT_EQUAL(7, out.size()); ASSERT_EQUAL("1 before", out[0]); ASSERT_EQUAL("2 before", out[1]); ASSERT_EQUAL("3 before", out[2]); ASSERT_EQUAL("handle", out[3]); ASSERT_EQUAL("3 after", out[4]); ASSERT_EQUAL("2 after", out[5]); ASSERT_EQUAL("1 after", out[6]); } std::string sendmsg2 = "GET /break\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg2)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); } { auto& out = test_middleware_context_vector; ASSERT_EQUAL(4, out.size()); ASSERT_EQUAL("1 before", out[0]); ASSERT_EQUAL("2 before", out[1]); ASSERT_EQUAL("2 after", out[2]); ASSERT_EQUAL("1 after", out[3]); } server.stop(); } TEST(middleware_cookieparser) { static char buf[2048]; App app; std::string value1; std::string value2; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/")([&](const request& req){ { auto& ctx = app.get_context(req); value1 = ctx.get_cookie("key1"); value2 = ctx.get_cookie("key2"); } return ""; }); decltype(app)::server_t server(&app, 45451); auto _ = async(launch::async, [&]{server.run();}); std::string sendmsg = "GET /\r\nCookie: key1=value1; key2=\"val\\\"ue2\"\r\n\r\n"; asio::io_service is; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); } { ASSERT_EQUAL("value1", value1); ASSERT_EQUAL("val\"ue2", value2); } server.stop(); } TEST(bug_quick_repeated_request) { static char buf[2048]; SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/")([&]{ return "hello"; }); decltype(app)::server_t server(&app, 45451); auto _ = async(launch::async, [&]{server.run();}); std::string sendmsg = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost\r\n\r\n"; asio::io_service is; { std::vector> v; for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { v.push_back(async(launch::async, [&] { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 45451)); for(int j = 0; j < 5; j ++) { c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); size_t received = c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); ASSERT_EQUAL("hello", std::string(buf + received - 5, buf + received)); } c.close(); })); } } server.stop(); } TEST(simple_url_params) { static char buf[2048]; SimpleApp app; query_string last_url_params; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/params") ([&last_url_params](const crow::request& req){ last_url_params = move(req.url_params); return "OK"; }); ///params?h=1&foo=bar&lol&count[]=1&count[]=4&pew=5.2 decltype(app)::server_t server(&app, 45451); auto _ = async(launch::async, [&]{server.run();}); asio::io_service is; std::string sendmsg; // check single presence sendmsg = "GET /params?foobar\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); ASSERT_TRUE(last_url_params.get("missing") == nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(last_url_params.get("foobar") != nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(last_url_params.get_list("missing").empty()); } // check multiple presence sendmsg = "GET /params?foo&bar&baz\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); ASSERT_TRUE(last_url_params.get("missing") == nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(last_url_params.get("foo") != nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(last_url_params.get("bar") != nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(last_url_params.get("baz") != nullptr); } // check single value sendmsg = "GET /params?hello=world\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); ASSERT_EQUAL(string(last_url_params.get("hello")), "world"); } // check multiple value sendmsg = "GET /params?hello=world&left=right&up=down\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); ASSERT_EQUAL(string(last_url_params.get("hello")), "world"); ASSERT_EQUAL(string(last_url_params.get("left")), "right"); ASSERT_EQUAL(string(last_url_params.get("up")), "down"); } // check multiple value, multiple types sendmsg = "GET /params?int=100&double=123.45&boolean=1\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); ASSERT_EQUAL(boost::lexical_cast(last_url_params.get("int")), 100); ASSERT_EQUAL(boost::lexical_cast(last_url_params.get("double")), 123.45); ASSERT_EQUAL(boost::lexical_cast(last_url_params.get("boolean")), true); } // check single array value sendmsg = "GET /params?tmnt[]=leonardo\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); ASSERT_TRUE(last_url_params.get("tmnt") == nullptr); ASSERT_EQUAL(last_url_params.get_list("tmnt").size(), 1); ASSERT_EQUAL(string(last_url_params.get_list("tmnt")[0]), "leonardo"); } // check multiple array value sendmsg = "GET /params?tmnt[]=leonardo&tmnt[]=donatello&tmnt[]=raphael\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); ASSERT_EQUAL(last_url_params.get_list("tmnt").size(), 3); ASSERT_EQUAL(string(last_url_params.get_list("tmnt")[0]), "leonardo"); ASSERT_EQUAL(string(last_url_params.get_list("tmnt")[1]), "donatello"); ASSERT_EQUAL(string(last_url_params.get_list("tmnt")[2]), "raphael"); } server.stop(); } int main() { return testmain(); }