#include "SimpleHandlers.hpp" #include "Response.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Response; Handler::json Handler::klingerHandler(std::string const &arguments, std::string const &session, void *payload) { (void) payload; return simple_response("Bonjour!"); } Handler::json Handler::wikiHandler(std::string const &arguments, std::string const &session, void *payload) { (void) payload; std::vector linkAnnotations; linkAnnotations.emplace_back(create_annotation(Reply::AnnotationType::link, "Wikipedia")); linkAnnotations.emplace_back(create_annotation(Reply::AnnotationType::underline)); std::vector reply_vec; reply_vec.emplace_back(create_text("Visit ")); reply_vec.emplace_back(create_text("https://eo.wikipedia.org/", std::move(linkAnnotations))); reply_vec.emplace_back(create_text(" today!")); return create_response(std::move(reply_vec), session, true); } Handler::json Handler::helpHandler(std::string const &arguments, std::string const &session, void *payload) { auto commands = (std::vector *) payload; std::vector reply_vec; reply_vec.emplace_back(create_text( "Reading from the gospel according to saint N,\n" "And you shall feast upon the fruits and vegetables as I do in the offering for they will make you strong.\n" "\n" "Dear my fellow users, these are my official commands, which are offered to my believers.\n" "\n")); for (auto const &itor : *commands) { std::vector commandAnnotations; commandAnnotations.emplace_back( create_annotation(Reply::AnnotationType::command, std::move(itor.get_description()))); reply_vec.emplace_back(create_text("- ")); reply_vec.emplace_back(create_text(itor.command, std::move(commandAnnotations))); } reply_vec.emplace_back(create_text( "\n" "Thanks for using me. Takk skal du ha.\n" "Bussy\n" "N")); return create_response(std::move(reply_vec), session, true); } Handler::json Handler::stopHandler(std::string const &arguments, std::string const &session, void *payload) { auto app = (crow::SimpleApp *) payload; auto args = tokenizeArguments(arguments); if (args.empty()) { return simple_response("Needs PIN!", session, true); } int admin_pin; std::ifstream infile("/root/.n_admin_pin"); if (!(infile >> admin_pin) || admin_pin != std::stoi(args.at(0))) { return simple_response("No PIN registered on server, admin commands unavailable", session, true); } app->stop(); std::vector annotations; annotations.emplace_back(create_annotation(Reply::AnnotationType::bold)); std::vector reply_vec; reply_vec.emplace_back(create_text("stopped", std::move(annotations))); return create_response(std::move(reply_vec), session, true); } json Handler::sayHandler(const std::string &arguments, const std::string &session, void *payload) { (void) payload; return simple_response(arguments, session, true); } std::string url_encode(std::string const &value) { std::ostringstream escaped; escaped.fill('0'); escaped << std::hex; for (char c : value) { // Keep alphanumeric and other accepted characters intact if (isalnum(c) || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '~') { escaped << c; continue; } // Any other characters are percent-encoded escaped << std::uppercase; escaped << '%' << std::setw(2) << int((unsigned char) c); escaped << std::nouppercase; } return escaped.str(); } json Handler::latexRenderHandler(std::string const &arguments, std::string const &session, void *payload) { (void) payload; return simple_response("https://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?" + url_encode(arguments), session, true); }