path: root/
diff options
authorNiklas Halle <>2024-02-10 11:42:03 +0100
committerNiklas Halle <>2024-02-10 11:42:03 +0100
commitcc7c4bb3383e4358050dccb56a49dd0dbcec43dc (patch)
tree71c84de6feaf3d50acc9e71972ee55368cfc5d48 /
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..43d7d2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Source the common utils and the environment variable loader
+# (Attempt to) take variable we need
+# Curl function for API requests
+perform_curl() {
+ local ROUTE=$1
+ local METHOD=$2
+ local DATA=${3:-""}
+ if [ "$METHOD" = "GET" ]; then
+ curl --silent -X 'GET' "${DOMAIN}${ROUTE}" -H 'accept: application/json' -H "GROCY-API-KEY: ${API_KEY}"
+ elif [ "$METHOD" = "POST" ]; then
+ curl --silent -X 'POST' "${DOMAIN}${ROUTE}" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "GROCY-API-KEY: ${API_KEY}" --data-raw "$DATA"
+ fi
+# Clean shopping list, because th api only supports adding items and it is way more cumbersome to adjust to that than just doing it from scratch each time
+echo "Cleaning list..."
+perform_curl "/api/stock/shoppinglist/clear" "POST" "{
+ \"list_id\": ${LIST_ID},
+ \"done_only\": false
+echo "Fetching product stock..."
+# Fetching product stock list
+STOCK_JSON=$(perform_curl "/api/stock" "GET")
+echo "$STOCK_JSON" | jq '.' > stock.json
+echo "Fetching missing products..."
+# Fetching missing products
+MISSING_PRODUCTS_JSON=$(perform_curl "/api/stock/volatile?due_soon_days=0" "GET")
+echo "$MISSING_PRODUCTS_JSON" | jq '.missing_products' > missing_products.json
+# Combining lists
+jq -s add stock.json missing_products.json > combined_products.json
+rm stock.json missing_products.json # Cleanup
+echo "Fetching items already on the default shopping list..."
+# Fetch current items on the default shopping list
+DEFAULT_SHOPPING_LIST_JSON=$(perform_curl "/api/objects/shopping_list??query%5B%5D=shopping_list_id%3D1" "GET")
+echo "$DEFAULT_SHOPPING_LIST_JSON" > default_shopping_list.json
+echo "Processing products..."
+# Iterate over each product to check MaxStockAmount
+jq -c '.[]' combined_products.json | while read i; do
+ PRODUCT_ID=$(echo $i | jq '')
+ PRODUCT_NAME=$(echo $i | jq -r '') # Extract product name
+ CURRENT_AMOUNT=$(echo $i | jq '.amount' | sed 's/null/0/') # Treat null as 0
+ # Fetch MaxStockAmount value and convert to number if not null
+ MAX_STOCK_AMOUNT_JSON=$(perform_curl "/api/userfields/products/${PRODUCT_ID}" "GET")
+ MAX_STOCK_AMOUNT_RAW=$(echo "$MAX_STOCK_AMOUNT_JSON" | jq '.MaxStockAmount')
+ # Check if MaxStockAmount is not null and handle accordingly
+ if [ "$MAX_STOCK_AMOUNT_RAW" != "null" ]; then
+ MAX_STOCK_AMOUNT=$(echo "$MAX_STOCK_AMOUNT_RAW" | jq 'tonumber')
+ else
+ # Use min_stock_amount from the product details if MaxStockAmount is null
+ MIN_STOCK_AMOUNT=$(echo $i | jq '.product.min_stock_amount')
+ MAX_STOCK_AMOUNT=$MIN_STOCK_AMOUNT # Use Grocy internal min amount as the fallback
+ fi
+ # Fetch how much of the product is already on the default shopping list
+ '[.[] | select(.product_id | tostring == $PRODUCT_ID) | .amount] | add' default_shopping_list.json)
+ # Adjust PRODUCT_AMOUNT_TO_ADD considering the amount already on the list
+ if [ -z "$AMOUNT_ON_DEFAULT_LIST" ] || [ "$AMOUNT_ON_DEFAULT_LIST" = "null" ]; then AMOUNT_ON_DEFAULT_LIST=0; fi
+ # Calculate the total desired amount considering amounts on both shopping lists
+ # Handle the "-0" case by converting it to "0"
+ if [ "$PRODUCT_AMOUNT_TO_ADD" == "-0" ]; then
+ fi
+ if [ "$PRODUCT_AMOUNT_TO_ADD" -gt 0 ]; then
+ # Original logic to add to the list if PRODUCT_AMOUNT_TO_ADD is positive
+ echo "Adjusting and adding \"$PRODUCT_NAME\" (ID: $PRODUCT_ID) to the shopping list, amount: $PRODUCT_AMOUNT_TO_ADD"
+ # Add or adjust the product amount on the secondary shopping list
+ perform_curl "/api/stock/shoppinglist/add-product" "POST" "{
+ \"product_id\": ${PRODUCT_ID},
+ \"list_id\": ${LIST_ID},
+ \"product_amount\": ${PRODUCT_AMOUNT_TO_ADD}
+ }"
+ fi
+rm combined_products.json default_shopping_list.json # Final cleanup
+echo "Process completed."