# mailcow backup every day at two (keep 10) 0 3 * * * MAILCOW_BACKUP_LOCATION=/srv/mailcow THREADS=8 /home/niklas/docker/mailcow/helper-scripts/backup_and_restore.sh backup all --delete-days 10 && touch /home/niklas/.cron/mailcow_backup.last_run # firefly cron every day at 3 0 2 * * * docker exec --user www-data firefly_iii_core /usr/local/bin/php /var/www/html/artisan firefly-iii:cron && touch /home/niklas/.cron/firefly_cron.last_run # run mensa --> ff3 every 20 minutes between 9 and 17 on week days */20 9-16 * * 1-5 /home/niklas/.bin/update_mensa.sh && touch /home/niklas/.cron/mensa2ff.last_run # run dkb --> ff3 every 20 minutes between 9 and 18 on week days */20 9-17 * * 1-5 /home/niklas/.bin/update_dkb.sh && touch /home/niklas/.cron/dkb2ff.last_run # run dkb --> ff3 at 0 and 18, every day 0 0,18 * * * /home/niklas/.bin/update_dkb.sh && touch /home/niklas/.cron/dkb2ff.last_run # update grocy deals list once per day at 4 0 4 * * * /home/niklas/.bin/grocy_update_secondary_shoppinglist.sh && touch /home/niklas/.cron/grocy.last_run