/* needs to stay the first line */ asm(".code16gcc\njmp $0, $main"); /* space for additional code */ char WRITE_CHARACTER_TTY = 0x0E; void put(char c) { short command = WRITE_CHARACTER_TTY << 8 | c; // volatile because there is no output, so the function might get optimized // away // clang-format off asm volatile( "int $0x10;" ::"a"(command) ); // clang-format on } void print(char const *const str) { for (int i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; ++i) { put(str[i]); } } char getc() { char ret; asm("mov $0x00, %%ah;" "int $0x16;" : "=a"(ret)); return ret; } void main(void) { print("Hello!"); put(getc()); }