diff options
-rw-r--r--matleap.obin0 -> 35992 bytes
-rw-r--r--test.wavbin0 -> 2681644 bytes
14 files changed, 720 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..5a2072a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/Contents.m b/Contents.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8c0533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Contents.m
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+% matleap Leap Motion Controller Interface
+% ----------------------------------------
+% Copyright (C) 2013 Jeff Perry
+% ---------
+% v=matleap_version Get the version number
+% f=matleap_frame Get a frame from the leap motion controller
+% -------
+% jsp Wed Nov 20 10:36:45 CST 2013 Created
+% --------
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6589cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Matleap: MATLAB Interface to the Leap Motion Controller
+This MATLAB mex-file will allow you to get data from a Leap Motion
+Controller device.
+In order to build the mex-file, you need to have a C++ compiler
+installed, and you need to setup Matlab for building mex-files.
+For more information on setting up Matlab for building mex-files, see
+[the Matlab documentation](
+## Building
+* Install the Leap SDK
+* Give the matleap build module access the Leap SDK:
+ * If you are running **Windows**, copy the LeapSDK directory to the
+ directory that contains the matleap code.
+ * If you are running **OS/X** or **Linux**, you can either copy the
+ directory, or better still, create a symbolic link to the LeapSDK
+ directory and place it in the same directory as the matleap code,
+ for example:
+ $ ln -s ~/Software/Leap_Developer_Kit/LeapSDK/ ~/matleap/LeapSDK
+* Build the mex file from within MATLAB
+ >> build
+## Testing
+ >> test_matleap
+## Examples
+ >> matleap_version
+ ans =
+ 0 4
+ >> f=matleap_frame
+ f =
+ id: 263725
+ timestamp: 8.1430e+09
+ pointables: [1x5 struct]
+ >> f.pointables(1).position
+ ans =
+ 8.9769 220.3197 -5.8013
+ >> f.pointables(1).velocity
+ ans =
+ -6.7446 -4.2978 -13.0157
+ >> f.pointables(1).direction
+ ans =
+ 0.2089 0.3257 -0.9221
+ >> test_matleap
+ matleap version 0.4
+ frame id 309984
+ frame timestamp 8767122812
+ frame pointables 5
+ pointable 1
+ id 6
+ position -18.529303 279.245270 -9.088086
+ velocity -19.887272 -16.154881 -2.646765
+ direction 0.098189 0.300899 -0.948588
+ pointable 2
+ id 7
+ ...
+ pointable 5
+ id 10
+ position 34.367825 264.370300 41.408348
+ velocity -3.097427 13.046532 9.727820
+ direction 0.558435 0.059477 -0.827414
+ 89 frames
+ 1.000254 seconds
+ 88.977400 fps
+## Troubleshooting
+### General
+* Frames are returned with invalid frame data: **This happens when the
+ motion controller driver is not installed.**
+* Motion controller has slow framerate: **The driver will go into standby
+ mode if no movement is detected for a long period of time.**
+### OS/X
+* "libLeap.dylib can't load": **The Leap dynamic link library must be made
+ available to the mex-file executable either by changing your path,
+ creating a symbolic link to the library, or by copying the library to the
+ same directory as the mex-file.** For example:
+ $ cp '/Applications/Leap' path_to_matleap
+### Windows
+* "Invalid MEX-file '...\matleap.mexw64/32': The specified module could not
+ be found.": **Leap.dll must be made available to the mex-file executeable,
+ either by adding it to your path or copying it to the same directory as
+ the mex-file. The leap DLL is located in the LeapSDK\lib\x86 directory on
+ 32 bit systems and in the LeapSDK\lib\x64 directory on 64 bit systems.**
+### Linux
+* "Invalid MEX-file ... cannot open shared object file: No such
+ file or directory": **The leap shared library must be made available to the
+ mex-file executable.** For example:
+ # ln -s /usr/lib/Leap/ /usr/lib/
diff --git a/build.m b/build.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5ef2a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.m
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+% @file build.m
+% @brief build the matleap mex module
+% @author Jeff Perry <>
+% @version 1.0
+% @date 2013-09-12
+% create the mex command line
+fprintf('Compiling %s\n',fn);
+ ' -I/usr/include ',...
+ libdir_switch,...
+ ' -lLeap ',...
+ fn];
+fprintf('Evaluating "%s"\n',cmd)
+% run mex
diff --git a/matleap.cpp b/matleap.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9a3cb25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matleap.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+/// @file matleap.cpp
+/// @brief leap motion controller interface
+/// @author Jeff Perry <>
+/// @version 1.0
+/// @date 2013-09-12
+#include "matleap.h"
+#include <array>
+// Under Windows, a Leap::Controller must be allocated after the MEX
+// startup code has completed. Also, a Leap::Controller must be
+// deleted in the function specified by mexAtExit after all global
+// destructors are called. If the Leap::Controller is not allocated
+// and freed in this way, the MEX function will crash and cause MATLAB
+// to hang or close abruptly. Linux and OS/X don't have these
+// constraints, and you can just create a global Leap::Controller
+// instance.
+// Global instance pointer
+matleap::frame_grabber *fg = 0;
+int version = 4; // 1: orig, 2: with arm info, 3: with more hand info
+// Exit function
+void matleap_exit() {
+ fg->close_connection();
+ delete fg;
+ fg = 0;
+/// @brief process interface arguments
+/// @param nlhs matlab mex output interface
+/// @param plhs[] matlab mex output interface
+/// @param nrhs matlab mex input interface
+/// @param prhs[] matlab mex input interface
+/// @return command number
+int get_command(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
+ int command;
+ // check inputs
+ switch (nrhs) {
+ case 1:
+ command = *mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough input arguments");
+ default:
+ mexErrMsgTxt("Too many input arguments");
+ }
+ // check that inputs agree with command
+ switch (command) {
+ case -1: {
+ // set debug command requires 0 outputs
+ if (nlhs != 0)
+ mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong number of outputs specified");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0: {
+ // get version command requires 1 outputs
+ if (nlhs != 0 && nlhs != 1)
+ mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong number of outputs specified");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1: {
+ // frame grab command only requires one input
+ if (nrhs > 1)
+ mexErrMsgTxt("Too many inputs specified");
+ // frame grab command requires exactly one output
+ if (nlhs != 0 && nlhs != 1)
+ mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong number of outputs specified");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ mexErrMsgTxt("An unknown command was specified");
+ }
+ return command;
+/// @brief helper function
+/// @param v values to fill array with
+/// @return created and filled array
+mxArray *create_and_fill(const Leap::Vector &v) {
+ mxArray *p = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, 3, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
+ *(mxGetPr(p) + 0) = v.x;
+ *(mxGetPr(p) + 1) = v.y;
+ *(mxGetPr(p) + 2) = v.z;
+ return p;
+/// @brief get a frame from the leap controller
+/// @param nlhs matlab mex output interface
+/// @param plhs[] matlab mex output interface
+void get_frame(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[]) {
+ // get the frame
+ const matleap::frame &f = fg->get_frame();
+ // create matlab frame struct
+ const char *frame_field_names[] =
+ {
+ "id",
+ "timestamp",
+ "gesture",
+ "hands",
+ "version"
+ };
+ int frame_fields = sizeof(frame_field_names) / sizeof(*frame_field_names);
+ plhs[0] = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, frame_fields, frame_field_names);
+ // fill the frame struct
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 0, mxCreateDoubleScalar(;
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 1, mxCreateDoubleScalar(f.timestamp));
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 2, mxCreateDoubleScalar(f.has_gesture ? 1 : 0));
+ if (f.detectedHands > 0) {
+ const char *hand_field_names[] =
+ {
+ "id", // 0
+ "confidence", // 2
+ "visible_time",
+ "pinch_strength",
+ "grab_strength",
+ "palm",
+ "digits"
+ };
+ int hand_fields = sizeof(hand_field_names) / sizeof(*hand_field_names);
+ mxArray *p = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, f.detectedHands, hand_fields, hand_field_names);
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 3, p);
+ // 3 because hands is the third (fourth) field name in
+ // the overall struct we are creating.
+ for (int i = 0; i < f.detectedHands; ++i) {
+ // one by one, get the fields for the hand
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(p, i, 0, mxCreateDoubleScalar(f.hands[i].id()));
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(p, i, 1, mxCreateDoubleScalar(f.hands[i].confidence()));
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(p, i, 2, mxCreateDoubleScalar(f.hands[i].timeVisible()));
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(p, i, 3, mxCreateDoubleScalar(f.hands[i].pinchStrength()));
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(p, i, 4, mxCreateDoubleScalar(f.hands[i].grabStrength()));
+ // palm
+ const char *palm_field_names[] =
+ {
+ "position",
+ "stabilized_position",
+ "velocity",
+ "normal",
+ "width",
+ "direction",
+ };
+ int palm_fields = sizeof(palm_field_names) / sizeof(*palm_field_names);
+ mxArray *palm = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, palm_fields, palm_field_names);
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(p, i, 5, palm);
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(palm, 0, 0, create_and_fill(f.hands[i].palmPosition()));
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(palm, 0, 1, create_and_fill(f.hands[i].stabilizedPalmPosition()));
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(palm, 0, 2, create_and_fill(f.hands[i].palmVelocity()));
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(palm, 0, 3, create_and_fill(f.hands[i].palmNormal()));
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(palm, 0, 4, mxCreateDoubleScalar(f.hands[i].palmWidth()));
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(palm, 0, 5, create_and_fill(f.hands[i].direction()));
+ // get bones for all fingers
+ const char *digit_field_names[] =
+ {
+ "finger_id", // 0
+ "is_extended",
+ "bones",
+ };
+ int digit_fields = sizeof(digit_field_names) / sizeof(*digit_field_names);
+ Leap::Finger digits[5];
+ std::copy(f.hands[i].fingers().begin(), f.hands[i].fingers().end(), std::begin(digits));
+ mxArray *d = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 5, digit_fields, digit_field_names);
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(p, i, 6, d);
+ for (int d_it = 0; d_it < 5; d_it++) {
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(d, d_it, 0, mxCreateDoubleScalar(digits[d_it].id()));
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(d, d_it, 1, mxCreateDoubleScalar(digits[d_it].isExtended()));
+ const char *bone_field_names[] =
+ {
+ "prev_joint", // 0
+ "next_joint", // 1
+ "width",// 2
+ "rotation"
+ };
+ int bone_fields = sizeof(bone_field_names) / sizeof(*bone_field_names);
+ mxArray *bones = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 4, bone_fields, bone_field_names);
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(d, d_it, 2, bones);
+ auto const boneParts = {Leap::Bone::TYPE_METACARPAL, Leap::Bone::TYPE_PROXIMAL,
+ Leap::Bone bone;
+ for (auto bi : boneParts) {
+ bone = digits[d_it].bone(bi);
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(bones, bi, 0, create_and_fill(bone.prevJoint())); // 0
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(bones, bi, 1, create_and_fill(bone.nextJoint())); // 1
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(bones, bi, 2, mxCreateDoubleScalar(bone.width())); // 2
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(bones, bi, 3, create_and_fill(bone.direction()));
+ }
+ }
+ } // re: for f.hands.count()
+ } // re: if f.hands.count() > 0
+ mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 5, mxCreateDoubleScalar(version));
+void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
+ if (!fg) {
+ fg = new matleap::frame_grabber;
+ if (fg == 0)
+ mexErrMsgTxt("Cannot allocate a frame grabber");
+ fg->open_connection();
+ mexAtExit(matleap_exit);
+ }
+ switch (get_command(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs)) {
+ // turn on debug
+ case -1:
+ fg->set_debug(true);
+ return;
+ // get version
+ case 0:
+ plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
+ *(mxGetPr(plhs[0]) + 0) = MAJOR_REVISION;
+ *(mxGetPr(plhs[0]) + 1) = MINOR_REVISION;
+ return;
+ // get frame
+ case 1:
+ get_frame(nlhs, plhs);
+ return;
+ default:
+ // this is a logic error
+ mexErrMsgTxt("unknown error: please contact developer");
+ }
diff --git a/matleap.h b/matleap.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..24eae30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matleap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+/// @file matleap.h
+/// @brief leap motion controller interface
+/// @author Jeff Perry <>
+/// @version 1.0
+/// @date 2013-09-12
+#ifndef MATLEAP_H
+#define MATLEAP_H
+#include "Leap.h"
+#include "mex.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+namespace matleap {
+/// @brief a leap frame
+ struct frame {
+ int64_t id;
+ int64_t timestamp;
+ uint32_t detectedHands;
+ Leap::HandList hands;
+ bool has_gesture;
+ };
+/// @brief leap frame grabber interface
+ class frame_grabber {
+ private:
+ bool debug;
+ Leap::Controller controllerConnection;
+ frame current_frame;
+ public:
+ /// @brief constructor
+ frame_grabber()
+ : debug(false) {
+ }
+ void open_connection() {
+ mexPrintf("Waiting for connection");
+ while (!controllerConnection.isConnected()) {
+ mexPrintf(".");
+ usleep(500000);
+ }
+ //controllerConnection.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_SWIPE);
+ controllerConnection.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_CIRCLE);
+ //controllerConnection.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_KEY_TAP);
+ //controllerConnection.enableGesture(Leap::Gesture::TYPE_SCREEN_TAP);
+ mexPrintf(" Connected!\n");
+ // TODO: check if needed
+ //LeapSetPolicyFlags(*controllerConnection, eLeapPolicyFlag_BackgroundFrames, 0);
+ }
+ void close_connection() {
+ mexPrintf("Good bye.");
+ }
+ /// @brief destructor
+ ~frame_grabber() {
+ if (debug)
+ mexPrintf("Closing matleap frame grabber\n");
+ }
+ /// @brief debug member access
+ ///
+ /// @param flag turn it on/off
+ void set_debug(bool flag) {
+ if (flag == debug)
+ return;
+ if (flag)
+ mexPrintf("Setting debug on\n");
+ debug = flag;
+ }
+ /// @brief get a frame from the controller
+ ///
+ /// @return the frame
+ frame const &get_frame() {
+ auto const &frame = controllerConnection.frame();
+ =;
+ if (debug)
+ mexPrintf("Got frame with id %d\n",;
+ current_frame.timestamp = frame.timestamp();
+ current_frame.detectedHands = frame.hands().count();
+ current_frame.hands = frame.hands();
+ current_frame.has_gesture = !frame.gestures().isEmpty();
+ return current_frame;
+ }
+ };
+} // namespace matleap
diff --git a/matleap.o b/matleap.o
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e6adcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matleap.o
Binary files differ
diff --git a/matleap_debug.m b/matleap_debug.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..703687a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matleap_debug.m
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+function matleap_debug
+% MATLEAP_DEBUG Turn on matleap debug information output
diff --git a/matleap_frame.m b/matleap_frame.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53f150d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matleap_frame.m
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+function f=matleap_frame
+% MATLEAP_FRAME Get a frame from the leap motion controller
diff --git a/matleap_version.m b/matleap_version.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea5c422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matleap_version.m
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+function v=matleap_version
+% MATLEAP_VERSION Get matleap version information
diff --git a/test.wav b/test.wav
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..887bfdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.wav
Binary files differ
diff --git a/test_matleap.m b/test_matleap.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0c6c322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_matleap.m
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+% @file test_matleap.m
+% @brief test matleap functionality
+% @author Jeff Perry <>
+% @version 1.0
+% @date 2013-09-12
+function test_matleap
+ % remove matleap mex-file from memory
+ % set debug on
+ %matleap_debug
+ % show version
+ [version]=matleap_version;
+ fprintf('matleap version %d.%d\n',version(1),version(2));
+ % pause to let the hardware wake up
+ sleep(1)
+ % get some frames
+ frame_id=-1;
+ frames=0;
+ tic
+ while(toc<10)
+ % get a frame
+ f=matleap_frame;
+ % only count it if it has a different id
+ if
+ print(f)
+ frames=frames+1;
+ end
+ end
+ s=toc;
+ % display performance
+ fprintf('%d frames\n',frames);
+ fprintf('%f seconds\n',s);
+ fprintf('%f fps\n',frames/s);
+% sleep for t seconds
+function sleep(t)
+ tic;
+ while (toc<t)
+ end
+% print the contents of a leap frame
+function print(f)
+ fprintf('frame id %d\n',;
+ fprintf('frame timestamp %d\n',f.timestamp);
+ fprintf('frame hands %d\n',length(f.hands));
+ for i=1:length(f.hands)
+ fprintf('hand %d\n',i);
+ fprintf('\tpalm position ');
+ fprintf(' %f',f.hands(i).palm.position);
+ fprintf('\n');
+ end
diff --git a/theremine b/theremine
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6f6d72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theremine
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+while true
+ frame = matleap_frame
+ if ~isempty(frame.hands)
+ pos = frame.hands.palm.stabilized_position
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theremine.m b/theremine.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6fb28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theremine.m
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+% "constants" %
+% how many updates per second, determines the length of audio snippets
+const_frames_per_second = 60;
+const_Fs = 96000; % sampling rate in Hz
+const_te = 1/const_frames_per_second; % signal duration in seconds
+const_samples_per_frame = const_Fs * const_te;
+const_sample_range = 0:const_samples_per_frame-1;
+const_fade_speed = 0.2;
+% signal "generator"
+signal = @(freq, amp) sin(freq ./ const_Fs .* 2 .* pi .* const_sample_range) * amp;
+% time given for calculation
+const_calc_offset = 5;
+% dimensions to use for detecting number of hands in frame
+zero_hands = size(NaN(0,0));
+one_hand = size(NaN(1,1));
+two_hands = size(NaN(1,2));
+% init matleap by calling for first frame %
+% runtime vars
+P = NaN(100000,3);
+count = 1;
+done = false;
+freq_one = 0;
+freq_two = 0;
+signal_one = signal(0,0);
+signal_two = signal(0,0);
+full_signal = signal_one + signal_two;
+complete_signal = full_signal;
+% time gestures, used for program termination
+gesture_count = 0;
+%while count < 100000 && gesture_count < 3
+while gesture_count < (1.5 * (const_frames_per_second - const_calc_offset))
+ frame = matleap_frame;
+ handCount = size(frame.hands);
+ if isequal(zero_hands, handCount)
+ gesture_count = 0;
+ % slowly lower volume if no hand is there
+ signal_one = signal_one * const_fade_speed;
+ signal_two = signal_two * const_fade_speed;
+ % TODO
+ elseif isequal(one_hand, handCount)
+ % fade hand two out
+ signla_two = signal_two * const_fade_speed;
+ pos = frame.hands(1).palm.stabilized_position;
+ signal_one = get_theremin_sound_bit(pos(1), pos(2), signal);
+ P(count, 1:3) = pos;
+ count = count + 1;
+ if frame.gesture > 0
+ gesture_count = gesture_count + 1;
+ else
+ gesture_count = 0;
+ end
+ elseif isequal(two_hands, handCount)
+ gesture_count = 0;
+ pos = frame.hands(1).palm.stabilized_position;
+ signal_one = get_theremin_sound_bit(pos(1), pos(2), signal);
+ P(count, 1:3) = pos;
+ count = count + 1;
+ pos = frame.hands(2).palm.stabilized_position;
+ signal_two = get_theremin_sound_bit(pos(1), pos(2), signal);
+ else
+ "That should not happen:"
+ handCount
+ return;
+ end
+ % play current sound
+ full_signal = signal_one + signal_two;
+ complete_signal = [complete_signal full_signal];
+ % enforce frame rate, leaving a bit of room for calculation
+ java.lang.Thread.sleep((1/(const_frames_per_second - const_calc_offset)) * 1000);
+theremin_player = audioplayer(complete_signal, const_Fs);
+% extract values
+x = P(:,1); % links (-) rechconst_Ts (+) (LED zu uns)
+y = P(:,2); % oben unten
+z = P(:,3); % vorne (+) hinten (-) (LED zu uns)
+% plot
+figure("Position",[0,0, 1200, 2400]);
+t = tiledlayout(4,1);
+ylabel('left right');
+ylabel('left right');
+function sound = get_theremin_sound_bit(x, y, generator)
+ % finding ranges for x and y:
+ %'x'
+ %min(x)
+ %max(x)
+ %'y'
+ %min(y)
+ %max(y)
+ % --> -300 < x < 300
+ % --> 0 < y < 600
+ % therefore
+ volume = y / 600;
+ frequency = (x + 300) / 600 * 3000; % # How it works
+ sound = generator(frequency, volume);
+end \ No newline at end of file