clear; show_graphs = false; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % "constants" % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % how many updates per second, determines the length of audio snippets const_frames_per_second = 100; const_Fs = 44100; % sample rate in Hz const_te = 1/const_frames_per_second; % signal duration in seconds const_samples_per_frame = ceil(const_Fs * const_te); const_sample_range = 0:const_samples_per_frame-1; % the smaller the value, the quicker the fade out const_fade_speed = 0.975; % signal "generator" - only gives the input for sin() % it does not apply the sin function yet, see below for reasoning signal_f = @(freq) (freq ./ const_Fs .* 2 .* pi .* const_sample_range); % dimensions to use for detecting number of hands in frame zero_hands = size(NaN(0,0)); one_hand = size(NaN(1,1)); two_hands = size(NaN(1,2)); deviceWriter = audioDeviceWriter('SampleRate', const_Fs, ... 'SupportVariableSizeInput', true, 'BufferSize', 3 * const_samples_per_frame); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % init matleap by calling for first frame % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% matleap_frame; % runtime variables P = NaN(1000000,3); count = 1; done = false; frequency_pos = 0; height_pos = 0; offset = 0; signal = sin(signal_f(0)); complete_signal = signal; % time gestures, used for program termination gesture_count = 0; % main loop while gesture_count < const_frames_per_second frame = matleap_frame; handCount = size(frame.hands); % slowly decrease volume height_pos = height_pos * const_fade_speed; if isequal(one_hand, handCount) %pos = frame.hands(1).palm.position; pos = frame.hands(1).palm.stabilized_position; frequency_pos = pos(1); height_pos = max(150, height_pos); P(count, 1:3) = pos; count = count + 1; if frame.gesture > 0 gesture_count = gesture_count + 1; else gesture_count = 0; end elseif isequal(two_hands, handCount) gesture_count = 0; %pos = frame.hands(1).palm.position; pos = frame.hands(1).palm.stabilized_position; frequency_pos = pos(1); %y_one = pos(2); P(count, 1:3) = pos; count = count + 1; %pos = frame.hands(2).palm.position; pos = frame.hands(2).palm.stabilized_position; %x_two = pos(1); height_pos = pos(2); else % no hands, do nothing (or more than 2 (how?! :D)) gesture_count = 0; end % play current sound [signal, offset] = get_theremin_sound_bit(frequency_pos, height_pos, offset, signal_f); buffer_under_flow = deviceWriter(signal(:)); if buffer_under_flow ~= 0 disp("Buffer ran empty!"); end complete_signal = [complete_signal signal]; end release(deviceWriter) %theremin_player = audioplayer(complete_signal, const_Fs); %play(theremin_player); if show_graphs == true % extract values x = P(:,1); % links (-) rechts (+) (LED zu uns) y = P(:,2); % oben unten z = P(:,3); % vorne (+) hinten (-) (LED zu uns) % plot figure("Position",[0,0, 1200, 2400]); t = tiledlayout(4,1); nexttile; plot(x); ylabel('left right'); nexttile; plot(y); ylabel('height'); nexttile; plot(z); ylabel('depth'); nexttile; plot3(z,x,y); xlabel('depth'); ylabel('left right'); zlabel('height'); %{ % Plot both audio channels N = size(complete_signal,2); % Determine total number of samples in audio file figure; subplot(1,1,1); stem(1:N, complete_signal(1,:)); title('Audio Channel'); % Plot the spectrum df = const_Fs / N; w = (-(N/2):(N/2)-1)*df; y = fft(complete_signal(1,:), N) / N; % For normalizing, but not needed for our analysis y2 = fftshift(y); figure; plot(w,abs(y2)); %} end disp('If you want to save your audio, run `audiowrite(<.wav filename>, complete_signal, const_Fs)`'); function [sound,offset] = get_theremin_sound_bit(x, y, offset, generator) % the values used here are mostly empirical volume = y / 1300; % How it works: % frequency = max(0.003, (x - 50) / 220) * 1000; % have at least 3Hz % here we generate the array to put into sin(), but offset it with the % the previous frames offset.. base = generator(frequency) + offset; % ..which we take from here - doing so stops us from phase jumping offset = base(end); % at last, apply the volume sound = sin(base) .* volume; end